Multifaceted intervention to increase the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in primary care: a mixed-methods process analysis

This paper assessing the effectiveness of the REACH program, which aimed to increase the use of alcohol brief interventions in general practice, was published in the British Journal of General Practice (PDF | Web). Sturgiss E, Advocat J, Lam T, …, Tam CWM, … et al. Multifaceted intervention to increase the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in …

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Melanoma risk assessment and management: a qualitative study among Australian GPs

This qualitative study looking at understanding and describing melanoma risk assessment and management by Australia GPs was published in the British Journal of General Practice. (PDF | Web) Anandasivam B, Tam CWM, McGeechan K, et al. British Journal of General Practice. 2022; 72(723): e737-e746. DOI: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0668

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