Is it time to stop using statistical significance?

Our paper on the problematic nature of the use of the term “statistical significance” was published in Australian Prescriber. [PDF]

Frank O, Tam CWM, Rhee J. Is it time to stop using statistical significance? Aust Prescr 2021;44:16-18. DOI: 10.18773/austprescr.2020.074


The important first step in the critical appraisal of a randomised trial is not an evaluation of the statistical analyses. The most important aspect to consider when reviewing a study of a new drug is the appropriateness and quality of the trial design and methods.

The next most important aspect is the effect size of different treatments and its clinical significance. Rather than reporting statistical significance, studies should report the difference between treatments and its precision.

Over-reliance on statistical significance and p values may lead to incorrect conclusions. Trial reports about drugs should therefore avoid the term statistical significance and quote p values with caution.

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