Evidence-based medicine in general practice

This presentation was delivered at the 2018 Nanjing Medical University International Symposium on Medical Education – Sino-Australia Forum on the topic of General Practice Training, on 21 April 2018. (PDF)


Evidence-based medicine has been described as the intersection of best external research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences and values.  It is the modern way of best practice and few doctors will claim that they don’t strive to be “evidence-based”.  However implementing the evidence-based approach can be challenging for general practitioners.  The volume of new research literature is overwhelming.  Many doctors feel inexperienced appraising published papers.

This presentation will demonstrate how evidence-based medicine can be applied pragmatically in general practice.  We will use the “five steps” approach of evidence-based practice as a guide, but with a focus on the purpose to answer clinically meaningful questions, and the context.  At the end of the presentation, we hope that audience members will be able to use a few simple tips and tools that enhances their engagement with evidence-based practice.

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